Data from LCSC’s CTE Teacher Preparation programs and MN CTE’s Teacher Mentoring programs (e.g., CTE TIP).

These data reflect the number of teachers supported by all grants (CTE Consortium Grant or Rural CET Consortium Grant, PELSB Preparation Pathways Grant and Teacher Mentorship and Retention of Effective Teachers Grant, Federal Perkins Grant, etc.); use caution to not conflate these data to any one specific funding source. We report completion data by funding source in those specific grant’s close out reports; contact us if you require these data.

Reports are limited to public directory information including name, enrollment status, dates of attendance, license recommended, and participation in recognized activities (e.g., CTE TIP), as well as public licensure information such as file folder number (FFN), licenses held, and tier status. Individuals with a legitimate educational interest may request additional information by sending an email to Mr. Troy Haugen.

Statewide Licensure and Mentoring Summary by Year

Licensure StatewideTeacher Candidates EnrolledRecommended for Licensure
FY 2024-2025 (initial and additional licensure)*13543
FY 2023-2024 (additional licensure only)9573
FY 2022-2023 (additional licensure only)151159
FY 2021-2022 (additional licensure only)11761
FY 2020-2021 (additional licensure only)408
FY 2019-2020 (additional licensure only)90
Total (*as of 02/20/2025)547344
Note: “Recommended for licensure” reflects teachers recommended during that specific year, not the number of teachers who enrolled in a given year and completed that same year. For example, of the nine candidates who enrolled in FY20, 100% have completed, but zero finished that same year. We enrolled an additional 40 candidates in FY21, and of the 49 total enrolled, eight completed in 2020-2021. Of the 400+ candidates who have enrolled between FY20-24, approximately 75% have completed, most taking around two years.

Mentoring StatewideTeacher ParticipantsMentors
FY 2024-2025 (all mentoring programs)15538
FY 2023-2024 (CTE TIP only)8420
FY 2022-2023 (CTE TIP only)7814
FY 2021-2022 (CTE TIP only; spring pilot)267
Total (as of 02/20/2025)34379
Note: CTE TIP was started in spring of 2022 as a pilot. FY22-24 include CTE TIP only, not any advanced mentoring programs. FY25 includes both CTE TIP and advanced programs for specific licensure areas (e.g., FCS TIP, HSE TIP).

Reports by Minnesota Service Cooperative

Minnesota Service CooperativeLicensure Data by CooperativeMentoring Data by Cooperative
Northwest Service CooperativeNWSC Licensure DataNWSC TIP Data
Northeast Service CooperativeNESC Licensure DataNESC TIP Data
Sourcewell Service Cooperative (North Central)Sourcewell Licensure DataSourcewell TIP Data
Lakes Country Service Cooperative (West Central)LCSC Licensure DataLCSC CTE TIP Data
Resource Service Cooperative (East Central)Resource Licensure DataResource TIP Data
Brightworks Service Cooperative (Metro)Brightworks Licensure DataBrightworks TIP Data
Southwest/West Central Service CooperativeSWWC Licensure DataSWWC TIP Data
South Central Service CooperativeSCSC Licensure DataSCSC TIP Data
Southeast Service CooperativeSSC Licensure DataSSC TIP Data

Reports by Minnesota Perkins Consortium

Minnesota Perkins ConsortiumLicensure Data by ConsortiumMentoring Data by Consortium
Central Lakes Perkins ConsortiumCentral Lakes Licensure DataCentral Lakes TIP Data
Dakota County Perkins ConsortiumDakota County Licensure DataDakota County TIP Data
Great River Perkins ConsortiumGreat River Licensure DataGreat River TIP Data
Hennepin West Perkins ConsortiumHennepin West Licensure DataHennepin West TIP Data
Lake Superior Perkins ConsortiumLake Superior Licensure DataLake Superior TIP Data
Lakes Country Perkins ConsortiumLakes Country Licensure DataLakes Country TIP Data
Mid-Minnesota Perkins ConsortiumMid-Minnesota Licensure DataMid-Minnesota TIP Data
Minneapolis Perkins ConsortiumMinneapolis Licensure DataMinneapolis TIP Data
Minnesota West Perkins ConsortiumMinnesota West Licensure DataMinnesota West TIP Data
North Country/Northwest Perkins ConsortiumNorth Country Licensure DataNorth Country TIP Data
Northeast Metro Perkins ConsortiumNE Metro Licensure DataNE Metro TIP Data
Oak Land Perkins ConsortiumOak Land Licensure DataOak Land TIP Data
Pine Technical Perkins ConsortiumPine Tech Licensure DataPine Tech TIP Data
Pine-to-Prairie/Northland Perkins ConsortiumPine-to-Prairie Licensure DataPine-to-Prairie TIP Data
Riverland Perkins ConsortiumRiverland Licensure DataRiverland TIP Data
Rochester/Zumbro Ed District Perkins ConsortiumRochester/ZED Licensure DataRochester/ZED TIP Data
Runestone Perkins ConsortiumRunestone Licensure DataRunestone TIP Data
Saint Paul Perkins ConsortiumSaint Paul Licensure DataSaint Paul TIP Data
South Central Perkins ConsortiumSouth Central Licensure DataSouth Central TIP Data
South Metro Perkins ConsortiumSouth Metro Licensure DataSouth Metro TIP Data
Southeast Perkins ConsortiumSoutheast Licensure DataSoutheast TIP Data
Southwest Metro Perkins ConsortiumSW Metro Licensure DataSW Metro TIP Data
True North Stars Perkins ConsortiumTrue North Stars Licensure DataTrue North Stars TIP Data