The purpose of this directory is to provide a list of teachers, programs, and contact information within all CTE fields who have the Work-Based Learning Teacher/Coordinator licensure endorsement. We describe our methodology for how we conducted this research here. These data are exactly as reported by districts to PELSB. We did not alter any data; any errors made by a district when reporting to PELSB will be present in the directory. Note: Some teachers are at multiple buildings (e.g., a middle and high school); only the first building is listed. In the future we will analyze FTEs by building to list the school they spend most of their time at.


MN CTE staff created this directory by conducting a secondary analysis of existing data, including PELSB Staff Automated Reporting (STAR) data, and PELSB File Folder licensure data. We reviewed teachers that districts reported in their 2023-2024 STAR data as teaching within a “CTE assignment” (i.e., column 4, “Assignment Description” on PELSB’s Licensure Assignment Table). To validate that these teachers had appropriate work-based learning licensure endorsement to teach within these work-based learning assignments, we then cross-checked each teacher’s license within these assignments using File Folder data. Note: This directory does not represent a list of teachers or programs with approval from MDE for CTE Revenue and Perkins funding (those data are here).

We will conduct a similar analysis for 2024-2025 after PELSB publishes STAR data (early 2025).