Jump to: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Janice Aanenson Information Technology Center of Excellence
Executive Director

✉️ janice.aanenson@metrostate.edu
📞 ‭(612) 659-7226
🌐 www.minnesotatechresources.org

Val Aarsvold Minnesota FFA Foundation
Executive Director

✉️ val.aarsvold@mnffafoundation.org
📞 ‭(507) 259-3586‬‬
🌐 www.mnffafoundation.org

Wendy Ambrose MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Vice President of Outreach

✉️ mafcsinfo@gmail.com
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Brandi Anderson MN Association for CTE – For All (CTE SPED); MnACTE
Treasurer and Co-Membership; MnACTE Representative

✉️ brandi.anderson@mypathmn.com
🌐 https://mnactesnp.wordpress.com; www.mncte.org/mnacte‬‬

Andy Angell MN Technology and Engineering Educators Assn

✉️ mteeatreas@gmail.com
🌐 www.mteea.net

Laura Attenberger South Central Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ laura.attenberger@southcentral.edu
📞 ‭(507) 389-7241
🌐 www.mnscsc.org


Cindy Bailey Lakes Country Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ cynthia.bailey@minnesota.edu
📞 ‭(218) 299-6534
🌐 www.mnperkinsnw.com

Loralea Baldwin Engineering Center of Excellence
Administrative Assistant

✉️ loralea.baldwin@mnsu.edu
📞 ‭(507) 389-1201
🌐 www.engineering.mnsu.edu

Rachelle Balfe MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Vice President of Program-Elect

✉️ mafcsinfo@gmail.com
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Judy Barka Northern Agricultural Center of Excellence
Assistant Director

✉️ judy.barka@clcmn.edu
📞 ‭(320) 221-0219
🌐 www.agcentric.org

Tim Barrett Minnesota Department of Education
T&I Specialist

✉️ tim.barrett@state.mn.us
📞 ‭(651) 582-8677
🌐 www.education.mn.gov

Mia Battistone MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences; MnACTE
President; MnACTE Co-Representative

✉️ mia.battistone@district196.org
🌐 www.mnafcs.com; www.mncte.org/mnacte

Sarah Behrens North Country/Northwest Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ sarah.behrens@ntcmn.edu
📞 ‭(218) 755-4902
🌐 www.mnperkinsnw.com

Debbie Belfry Southwest Metro Perkins Consortium
Secondary Perkins Leader

✉️ dbelfry@isd271.org
📞 ‭(952) 681-6291‬

Mary Berg Minnesota Department of Education
WBL Specialist

✉️ mde.cte@state.mn.us
📞 ‭(651) 582-8840
🌐 www.education.mn.gov

Matt Bissonette Riverland Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader (Interim)

✉️ matt.bissonette@riverland.edu
📞 ‭(507) 431-2260‬

Carl Borleis Transportation Center of Excellence
Director of Program Excellence

✉️ carl.borleis@dctc.edu
📞 ‭(651) 423-8692
🌐 www.minntran.org

Leah Bott Lake Superior Perkins Consortium
Secondary Leader

✉️ lbott@isd381.org
📞 ‭(218) 226-4437;8148

David Braaten MN Marketing, Business, and IT Educators

✉️ david.braaten@hopkinsschools.org
🌐 www.mnmbite.org

Dean Breuer Minnesota Department of Education
B&M Specialist

✉️ dean.breuer@state.mn.us
📞 ‭(651) 582-8603
🌐 www.education.mn.gov

Dr. Dana Brigson Winona State University
Associate Professor, B&M

✉️ dbrigson@winona.edu
📞 ‭(507) 457-5197
🌐 www.winona.edu

Paul Brinkman Northeast Service Cooperative
Executive Director

✉️ paulb@nescmn.net
📞 ‭(218) 748-7603
🌐 www.nescmn.net

Lindsey Brockberg Minnesota Department of Education
AFNR Specialist

✉️ lindsey.brockberg@state.mn.us
🌐 www.education.mn.gov

Dr. T.J. Brown Minnesota FFA Association
Executive Director

✉️ t.j.brown@mnffa.org
📞 ‭(507) 220-0194‬
🌐 www.mnffa.org

Jason Bruns Engineering Center of Excellence

✉️ jason.bruns@mnsu.edu
📞 ‭(507) 389-1309
🌐 www.engineering.mnsu.edu

Laura Buchholz Bemidji State University
Assistant Professor, Construction

✉️ laura.buchholz@bemidjistate.edu
📞 ‭(218) 755-4221
🌐 www.bemidjistate.edu


Eric Carlson Bemidji State University
Assistant Professor, Communications Technology

✉️ eric.carlson2@bemidjistate.edu
📞 ‭(218) 755-3740
🌐 www.bemidjistate.edu

Cliff Carmody Southwest/West Central Service Cooperative
Executive Director

✉️ cliff.carmody@swwc.org
📞 ‭(507) 537-2240
🌐 www.swwc.org

Sarah Carrico Saint Paul Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ sarah.carrico@saintpaul.edu
📞 ‭(651) 846-1424

Brian Cashman Southeast Perkins Consortium; MN Association for CTE Administrators
Secondary Perkins Leader; MACTA Treasurer

✉️ bcashman@gced.k12.mn.us
📞 ‭(651) 388-4441
🌐 www.macta.net

Penny Christy MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
VP Outreach-Elect

✉️ mafcsinfo@gmail.com
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Dr. Chad Coauette Sourcewell Service Cooperative
Chief Executive Officer

✉️ chad.coauette@sourcewell-mn.gov
📞 ‭(888) 894-1930
🌐 www.sourcewell-mn.gov

Dr. Jill Conlon MN State University – Mankato
Professor, FCS

✉️ jill.conlon@mnsu.edu
📞 ‭(507) 389-5924
🌐 www.mnsu.edu

Cherry Cramer MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

✉️ cherry.cramer@isd917.org
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Becky Cronk MN Association of Agriculture Educators

✉️ bcronk@isd840.org
🌐 www.mnaged.org

Ashley Crowson Minnesota FFA Association
Leadership Development Coordinator

✉️ acrowson@mnffa.org
📞 ‭(715) 207-5137‬
🌐 www.mnffa.org


Jessica Daberkow MN Association of Agriculture Educators; MnACTE
MnACTE Representative

✉️ jessica.daberkow@staff.isd330.org
🌐 www.mnaged.org; www.mncte.org/mnacte

Ethan Dado MN Association for Career & Technical Education
Secretary & ACTE Region III Representative

✉️ ethan_dado@edenpr.org
🌐 www.mncte.org/mnacte

Russel Dahlke Minnesota State – System Office
Research Associate

✉️ russell.dahlke@minnstate.edu
🌐 www.minnstate.edu

Krysten Dane MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

✉️ kdane@gsl.k12.mn.us
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Kaitlyn DeChene MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Vice President of Education-Elect

✉️ mafcsinfo@gmail.com
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Valerie Defor HealthForce Center of Excellence
Executive Director

✉️ vdefor@winona.edu
📞 ‭(507) 429-6652
🌐 www.healthforceminnesota.org

Joshua Dery MN CTE; Lakes Country Service Cooperative
T&I Specialist – Transportation & Manufacturing

✉️ jdery@lcsc.org
🌐 www.mncte.org

Chris Devine Intermediate School District #917
Assistant Director/Principal

✉️ christopher.devine@isd917.org
📞 ‭(651) 423-8259
🌐 www.isd917.org

Sarah Dornink Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council
Executive Director

✉️ tesm0010@umn.edu
📞 ‭(612) 624-6249
🌐 www.mn.gov/maelc

Paul Drange Sourcewell Service Cooperative
Chief Regional Solutions Officer

✉️ paul.drange@sourcewell-mn.gov
🌐 www.sourcewell-mn.go


Dr. Jennifer Eccles HealthForce Center of Excellence
Senior System Director of Nursing Initiatives; Executive Director of the Coalition for Nursing Equity and Excellence

✉️ jennifer.eccles@winona.edu
📞 ‭(507) 535-2512
🌐 www.healthforceminnesota.org

Kari-Ann Ediger Minnesota Department of Education
Data Specialist

✉️ mde.cte@state.mn.us
📞 ‭(651) 582-8269
🌐 www.education.mn.gov

Dr. Inas Elansary MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Vice President of Education

✉️ mafcsinfo@gmail.com
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Joel Ellinghuysen MN Technology and Engineering Educators Assn
ITEEA Representative

✉️ oakdalefarm1@gmail.com
🌐 www.mteea.net

John Engelking Northeast Service Cooperative
Senior Regional Manager, CTE

✉️ jengelking@nescmn.net
📞 ‭(218) 390-9860
🌐 www.nescmn.net


Eriann Faris Southwest/West Central Service Cooperative; Minnesota West Perkins Consortium
CTE Project Coordinator; Secondary Perkins Leader

✉️ eriann.faris@swwc.org
📞 ‭(507) 537-2271
🌐 www.swsc.org

Melissa Findlay-Lampkin MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

✉️ mafcsinfo@gmail.com
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Tim Fitze MN Foundation for Student Organizations (MFSO)
Executive Director

✉️ tfitze@mnfso.org
🌐 www.mnfso.org

Nikki Flaaen MN Association of Agriculture Educators; MnACTE
PresidentMnACTE Representative

✉️ nikkolef@zmsch.k12.mn.us
🌐 www.mnaged.org; www.mncte.org/mnacte


Mark Gable MN Technology and Engineering Educators Assn

✉️ mteeacommunications@gmail.com
🌐 www.mteea.net

Mary Jo Gardner Dakota County and South Metro Perkins Consortia
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ mgardner@inverhills.edu
📞 ‭(651) 450-3835

Dr. Sara George South Metro Perkins Consortium
Secondary Leader

✉️ sara.george@district196.org
📞 ‭(651) 423-0607

Carter Gerlach MN Association for CTE Administrators
Vice President/President-Elect

✉️ carter.gerlach@ahschools.us
🌐 www.macta.net

Cheryl Glaeser Minnesota Service Cooperatives
CTE Consortium Grant Coordinator

✉️ cheryl@achieveresultstogether.com
📞 ‭(320) 583-7526
🌐 www.mnservcoop.org

Julie Gloege MN Association for CTE – For All (CTE SPED)

🌐 https://mnactesnp.wordpress.com

Amy Grover Southeast Service Cooperative
Associate Director

✉️ agrover@ssc.coop
📞 ‭(507) 281-6693
🌐 www.ssc.coop

Tyler Grunewald Northern Agricultural Center of Excellence
Agricultural Program Coordinator

✉️ tyler.grunewald@clcmn.edu
📞 ‭(218) 894-5141
🌐 www.agcentric.org


Summer Hagy HealthForce Center of Excellence, Minnesota HOSA
HOSA Executive Director

✉️ summer.hagy@winona.edu
📞 ‭(651) 500-8025
🌐 www.healthforceminnesota.org; www.minnesotahosa.org

Nathan Hanel Southern Agricultural Center of Excellence
Program Coordinator

✉️ nathan.hanel@southcentral.edu
📞 ‭(507) 389-7435
🌐 www.centerofagriculture.org

Elise Hansen Information Technology Center of Excellence
Office Operations Coordinator

✉️ elise.hanson@metrostate.edu
🌐 www.minnesotatechresources.org‬

Carrie Hanson Runestone Perkins Consortium
Secondary Leader

✉️ carrieh@alextech.edu
📞 ‭(320) 762-4943
🌐 www.mnperkinsnw.com

Jill E. Hanson MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

✉️ mafcsinfo@gmail.com
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Lisa Hanson Central Lakes Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ lisa.hanson@clcmn.edu
📞 ‭(218) 855-8148
🌐 www.clcmn.edu

Troy Haugen MN CTE; Lakes Country Service Cooperative and Perkins Consortium; MACTA
Dir. of Career & College Success; Perkins Leader; MACTA Public Policy and Board Member

✉️ thaugen@lcsc.org; thaugen@mncte.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6511
🌐 www.mncte.org; www.macta.net

Dr. Kurt Helgeson St. Cloud State University; MN Technology and Engineering Educators Assn
Professor, WBL; MTEEA Executive Director

✉️ krhelgeson@stcloudstate.edu
📞 ‭(320) 308-3127
🌐 www.stcloudstate.edu; www.mteea.net

Julia Henderson Minnesota Department of Education
FCS Specialist

✉️ julia.henderson@state.mn.us
📞 ‭(651) 582-8435
🌐 www.education.mn.gov

TJ Hendrickson MN Technology and Engineering Educators Assn; MnACTE
PresidentMnACTE Representative

✉️ thendric@shakopeeschools.org
🌐 www.mteea.net; www.mncte.org/mnacte

Dr. Chuck Hentges St. Cloud State University
Associate Professor, WBL

✉️ crhentges@stcloudstate.edu
📞 ‭(320) 308-2118
🌐 www.stcloudstate.edu

Amanda Herman MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

✉️ amanda.herman@ahschools.us
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Dr. Elaine Hoffman North Country/Northwest Perkins Consortium
Secondary Leader

✉️ d1ncvcc@paulbunyan.net
📞 ‭(218) 755-4594
🌐 www.mnperkinsnw.com

John Holmen St. Cloud State University
Assistant Professor, WBL

✉️ jiholmen@stcloudstate.edu
🌐 www.stcloudstate.edu

Dr. Melissa Huppert Engineering Center of Excellence
STEM Outreach Director

✉️ melissa.huppert@mnsu.edu
📞 ‭(507) 389-2110
🌐 www.engineering.mnsu.edu

Kelsey Hutchins-Jaycox MN Association for CTE – For All (CTE SPED)

✉️ khutchins@mnved.org
🌐 https://mnactesnp.wordpress.com

Sheri Hutchinson Minnesota State – System Office
Communications and Web Manager

✉️ sheri.hutchinson@minnstate.edu
📞 ‭(651) 201-1685
🌐 www.minnstate.edu



Cassidy Jelen Transportation Center of Excellence
Project Coordinator

✉️ cassidy.jelen@dctc.edu
📞 ‭(651) 423-8692
🌐 www.minntran.org

Dr. Bruce Jensen Northwest Service Cooperative
Executive Director

✉️ bjensen@nwservice.org
📞 ‭(218) 681-0900;108
🌐 www.nw-service.k12.mn.us

Sean Johns Runestone Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ sean.johns@alextech.edu
📞 ‭(320) 762-4477
🌐 www.mnperkinsnw.com

Dr. Peter Johnson Winona State University
Assistant Professor, T&I

✉️ peter.johnson@winona.edu
📞 ‭(507) 457-2952
🌐 www.winona.edu

Jason Jones Hennepin West Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ jason.jones@hennepintech.edu
📞 ‭(952) 995-1478

Susan Jordahl Great River Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ susan.jordahl@sctcc.edu
📞 ‭(320) 308-5908

Rachel Jorgensen Bethel University
Adjunct Instructor and Program Director, WBL

✉️ rra35368@bethel.edu
🌐 www.bethel.edu


Mike Kaluza Central Lakes Perkins Consortium
Secondary Leader

✉️ mkaluza@fed.k12.mn.us
📞 ‭(218) 629-6097
🌐 www.fed.k12.mn.us

Michelle Kamenov Minnesota Department of Education
CTE Supervisor

✉️ mde.cte@state.mn.us
📞 ‭(651) 582-8434
🌐 www.education.mn.gov

Shaun Karson Great River Perkins Consortium
Secondary Leader

✉️ shaun.karson@wrighttech.org
📞 ‭(763) 684-2278

Anne Kilzer Minnesota Service Cooperatives
Executive Director

✉️ anne@capitolhillassoc.com
📞 ‭(‭651) 261-9692
🌐 www.mnservcoop.org

Herbert King Northeast Metro Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ herbert.king@century.edu
📞 ‭(651) 779-5790

Shannon Kirkeide Oak Land Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ shannon.kirkeide@anokaramsey.edu
📞 ‭(763) 433-1897

Paul Klym Minneapolis Perkins Consortium
Secondary Leader

✉️ paul.klym@mpls.k12.mn.us
📞 ‭(612) 408-1795
🌐 www.mpschools.org

Amber Knapper Energy Center of Excellence
Administrative Assistant

✉️ amber.knapper@mnwest.edu
📞 ‭(320) 565-5020
🌐 www.energycareersminnesota.org

Pam Koenen MN Association of Agriculture Educators; MnACTE
Executive DirectorMnACTE Representative

✉️ mnaged2@gmail.com
🌐 www.mnaged.org; www.mncte.org/mnacte

Dr. Kristin Kovar Southwest MN State University
Assistant Professor, AFNR

✉️ kristin.kovar@smsu.edu
📞 ‭(507) 537-6441
🌐 www.smsu.edu

Jeremy Kovash Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Executive Director

✉️ jkovash@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6504
🌐 www.lcsc.org


Sara Laudenbach MN Technology and Engineering Educators Assn

✉️ sara.laudenbach@isd742.org
🌐 www.mteea.net

Tina LeBrun Southern Agricultural Center of Excellence
Executive Director

✉️ tina.lebrun@southcentral.edu
📞 ‭(507) 389-7391
🌐 www.centerofagriculture.org

Tom Leuthner Pine-to-Prairie/Northland Perkins Consortium; MN CTE; LCSC
Perkins Leader; MN CTE/LCSC T&I Specialist – Construction

✉️ pine.prairie.coop@gvtel.comtleuthner@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 205-7494‬‬
🌐 www.mncte.org

Dr. Marci Levy-Maguire Dakota County Perkins Consortium
Secondary Leader

✉️ marci.levy-maguire@isd917.org
📞 ‭(651) 423-8207

Lois J. Lewis MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Communications, Nominations

✉️ llewis@indus.k12.mn.us
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Jeremy Leffelman Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence

✉️ jeremy.leffelman@bemidjistate.edu
📞 ‭(218) 755-4222
🌐 www.mnmfg.org

Mary Leyk Mid-Minnesota Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ mary.leyk@ridgewater.edu
📞 ‭(320) 222-5210 

Jessica Lipa Oak Land Perkins Consortium; MACTA
Secondary Perkins Leader; MACTA Board Member

✉️ jessica.lipa@ahschools.us
📞 ‭(763) 433-4001
🌐 www.macta.net

Siri Livdahl MN CTE; Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Coordinator of Admissions and Advising

✉️ slivdahl@lcsc.org;  slivdahl@mncte.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6551
🌐 www.mncte.org

Mark Lockhart MN Technology and Engineering Educators Assn

✉️ mark.a.lockhart@gmail.com
🌐 www.mteea.net

Tim Lovdahl MN Technology and Engineering Educators Assn
Student Competitions

✉️ tlovdahl@isd12.org
🌐 www.mteea.net

Stephanie Love MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences; MnACTE
MAFCS Membership; MnACTE Co-Representative

✉️ stephanie.love@spps.org
🌐 www.mnafcs.com; www.mncte.org/mnacte

Robb Lowe Minnesota State – System Office; MACTA
MN State Career Pathways Director; MACTA Board Member

✉️ robb.lowe@minnstate.edu
📞 ‭(651) 201-1452
🌐 www.minnstate.edu;  www.macta.net

Nicholas Lowery Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence
Administrative Specialist

✉️ nicholas.lowery@minnstate.edu
📞 ‭(218) 755-2997
🌐 www.mnmfg.org

Dr. Dawn Lubahn Southeast Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ dawn.lubahn@southeastmn.edu
📞 ‭(507) 453-2700


Dr. Michael Martin University of Minnesota – Crookston
Associate Professor, AFNR

✉️ mart6864@umn.edu
📞 ‭(218) 281-8101
🌐 www.crk.umn.edu

Dr. Les Martisko South Central Service Cooperative
Chief Executive Officer

✉️ lmartisko1@gmail.com
📞 ‭(507) 389-5109
🌐 www.mnscsc.org

Heidi Mattson Minnesota SkillsUSA
Executive Director

✉️ executive.director@mnskillsusa.org
🌐 www.mnskillsusa.org

Kelley McClure-Mork Mid-Minnesota Perkins Consortium
Secondary Leader

✉️ kelley.mccluremork@ridgewater.edu
📞 ‭(320) 222-5979

DJ McDonald MN Marketing, Business, and IT Educators; MnACTE
MnACTE Representative

🌐 www.mnmbite.org; www.mncte.org/mnacte

Jeannie Meidlinger Rochester/ZED Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ jeannie.meidlinger@rctc.edu
📞 ‭(507) 529-2720

Kristin Melendez Bethel University
Enrollment Counselor, WBL

✉️ k-melendez@bethel.edu
📞 ‭(651) 635-8080
🌐 www.bethel.edu

Carissa Menefee Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence
Communications Specialist

✉️ carissa.menefee@bemidjistate.edu
🌐 www.mnmfg.org

Jaimee Meyer Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence
Director of Marketing and Outreach

✉️ jaimee.meyer@minnstate.edu
📞 ‭(218) 755-2206
🌐 www.mnmfg.org

Nick Milbrandt MN Association of Agriculture Educators

✉️ nmilbrandt@beas.blueearth.k12.mn.us
🌐 www.mnaged.org

Mike Miron MN Association of Agriculture Educators; MnACTE
MnACTE Representative

✉️ mmiron@flaschools.org
🌐 www.mnaged.org

Judith Mitchell HealthForce Center of Excellence
TCCP Assistant/Database Coordinator

✉️ jmitchell@winona.edu
📞 ‭(507) 429-7412
🌐 www.healthforceminnesota.org

Patrick Mitchell Minnesota FCCLA
Executive Director

✉️ patrick.mitchell@mnfccla.org
📞 ‭(651) 330-2950
🌐 www.mnfccla.org

Glenn Morris South Central Service Cooperative; South Central Perkins Consortium
Program Executive Director; Secondary Perkins Leader

✉️ gmorris@mnscsc.org
📞 ‭(507) 389-5106
🌐 www.mnscsc.org

Natasha Mortenson Minnesota FFA Association; Minnesota FFA Alumni
Career Development and Alumni Coordinator

✉️ nmortenson@mnffa.org
📞 ‭‭(320) 815-8459
🌐 www.mnffa.org; www.mnffaalumni.org

Kim Mueller South Central Service Cooperative
CTE Coordinator

✉️ kmueller@mnscsc.org
📞 ‭(507) 389-2123
🌐 www.mnscsc.org

Jill Murray Lake Superior Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Perkins Leader

✉️ jill.murray@lsc.edu
📞 ‭(218) 733-5970


Jenny Neiss Minnesota Department of Education
HSE Specialist

✉️ jenny.neiss@state.mn.us
📞 ‭(651) 582-8421
🌐 www.education.mn.gov

Ashley Nelson Pine Technical Perkins Consortium
Secondary Perkins Leader

✉️ anelson@eastcentral.k12.mn.us
📞 ‭(320) 245-6088

Sarah Ness Southeast Service Cooperative
Program Manager; Statewide FutureForward Contact

✉️ sness@ssc.coop
📞 ‭(507) 281-6678
🌐 www.ssc.coop


Karl R. Ohrn Minnesota State – System Office
System Director for Career and Technical Education

✉️ karl.ohrn@minnstate.edu
📞 ‭(651) 201-1650‬
🌐 www.minnstate.edu

Keith Olander Northern Agricultural Center of Excellence

✉️ kolander@clcmn.edu
📞 ‭(218) 894-5163
🌐 www.agcentric.org

Brent Olinger MN Association for Career & Technical Education

✉️ brento@hmong.org
🌐 www.mncte.org/mnacte‬

Lew Olivier Transportation Center of Excellence
Director of Outreach

✉️ llewellyn.olivier@dctc.edu
📞 ‭(651) 423-8692
🌐 www.minntran.org

Alison Orgaard Resource Training and Solutions Service Cooperative
CTE Manager; Statewide Externship Contact

✉️ aorgaard@resourcecoop-mn.gov
📞 ‭(320) 266-5640
🌐 www.resourcecoop-mn.gov


Kierstan Peck Pine Technical Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ kierstan.peck@pine.edu
📞 ‭(320) 629-5180

Maxine Peterson MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

✉️ mafcsinfo@gmail.com
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Brenda Phillips HealthForce Center of Excellence
Office & Administrative Specialist Senior

✉️ bphillips@winona.edu
📞 ‭(507) 535-2510
🌐 www.healthforceminnesota.org

Gail Polejewski Southwest/West Central Service Cooperative; Minnesota West Perkins Consortium
Career Development Coordinator; Secondary Perkins Leader

✉️ gail.polejewski@swsc.org
📞 ‭(507) 537-2273
🌐 www.swsc.org



Dr. Lavyne Rada MN CTE; Lakes Country Service Cooperative; MnACTE; MACTA
Associate Director of Recruitment & Retention; MnACTE Treasurer and Executive Director; MACTA Secretary; Statewide Mentoring Contact

✉️ lrada@lcsc.orglrada@mncte.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6558
🌐  www.mncte.org; www.mncte.org/mnacte‬‬; www.macta.net

Jean Rakun Hennepin West Perkins Consortium
Secondary Leader

✉️ jrakun@district287.org
📞 ‭(763) 745-6806

Alicia Reed Saint Paul Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ alicia.reed@saintpaul.edu
📞 ‭(651) 350-3214

Hannah Reisdorf MN Technology and Engineering Educators Assn
Affiliates and Professional Growth

✉️ hreisdorf@dgf.k12.mn.us
🌐 www.mteea.net

Jared Reise Minnesota State – System Office
Office and Administrative Support

✉️ jared.reise@minnstate.edu
📞 ‭(651) 201-1711
🌐 www.minnstate.edu

Sally Reynolds Minnesota Department of Education
Director of Career and College Success

✉️ sally.reynolds@state.mn.us
📞 ‭(651) 582-8567
🌐 www.education.mn.gov

Dr. Laura Rice University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Assistant Professor, AFNR;
AFNR TIP Mentorship

✉️ llrice@umn.edu
📞 ‭(612) 625-7274‬
🌐 www.umn.edu

Melissa Rousu Information Technology Center of Excellence
Director of Academic Initiatives

✉️ melissa.rousu@metrostate.edu
📞 ‭(612) 659-7221
🌐 www.minnesotatechresources.org


Emily Saed Southeast Service Cooperative
Minnesota STEM Ecosystem Director

✉️ esaed@ssc.coop
📞 ‭(507) 701-1975
🌐 www.ssc.coop

Steve Sallee Southeast Service Cooperative
Executive Director

✉️ ssallee@ssc.coop
📞 ‭(507) 281-6673
🌐 www.ssc.coop

Eric Sawatzke MN Association of Agriculture Educators; MnACTE
MAAE President-ElectMnACTE Representative

✉️ esawatzke@isd2342.org
🌐 www.mnaged.org; www.mncte.org/mnacte

Eva Scates-Winston Minnesota State – System Office
CTE Equity Specialist

✉️ eva.scates-winston@minnstate.edu
📞 ‭(651) 201-1680‬
🌐 www.minnstate.edu

Jim Scherping MN Marketing, Business, and IT Educators

✉️ jscherping@isd318.org
🌐 www.mnmbite.org

Jackie Schiller Minnesota BPA; Minnesota DECA
Executive Director

✉️ jackie@tekstar.com
📞 ‭(218) 847-5355
🌐 www.mnbpa.org; www.mndeca.org

Mark Schmitz Resource Training and Solutions Service Cooperative
Executive Director/CEO

✉️ mschmitz@resourcecoop-mn.gov
📞 ‭(218) 296-1888
🌐 www.resourcecoop-mn.gov

Carrie Schneider Minnesota State – System Office
Senior Research Associate

✉️ carrie.schneider@minnstate.edu
📞 ‭(651) 201-1866
🌐 www.minnstate.edu

Logan Schrader Energy Center of Excellence
Executive Director

✉️ logan.schrader@mnwest.edu
📞 ‭(320) 564-5035
🌐 www.energycareersminnesota.org

Stephen Schrichfield Oak Land Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ stephen.schrichfield@anokaramsey.edu
📞 ‭(763) 433-1374

Dr. John Schultz Brightworks Service Cooperative
Executive Director

✉️ john.schultz@brightworksmn.org
📞 ‭(612) 638-1525
🌐 www.brightworksmn.org

Kari Schwab Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council
Program Coordinator

✉️ opdah012@umn.edu
📞 ‭(612) 624-6256
🌐 www.mn.gov/maelc

Jami Schwickerath SSC; Roch/ZED Perkins Consortium
Career Connected Learning Specialist; Perkins Leader

✉️ jschwickerath@ssc.coop
📞 ‭(507) 273-8365
🌐 www.ssc.coop

Amber Seibert MN Association of Agriculture Educators
Membership Secretary

✉️ aseibert@parkrapids.k12.mn.us
🌐 www.mnaged.org

Sue Selland-Miller Minnesota State – System Office
Associate System Director for CTE

✉️ sue.selland-miller@minnstate.edu
📞 ‭(651) 201-1451‬
🌐 www.minnstate.edu

Jane Shade True North Stars Perkins Consortium
Secondary Leader

✉️ jane.shade@minnesotanorth.edu
📞 ‭(218) 322-2460

Sarah Shanley Northeast Metro Perkins Consortium; MN Association for CTE Administrators; MnACTE
Secondary Perkins Leader; MACTA PresidentMnACTE President-Elect

✉️ sshanley@916schools.org
📞 ‭(651) 415-5632
🌐 www.macta.net; www.mncte.org/mnacte

Dr. Zane Sheehan MN CTE; Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Associate Director of Teacher Licensure; Statewide Alternative Licensure Contact

✉️ zsheehan@lcsc.org;  zsheehan@mncte.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6528
🌐 www.mncte.org

Callon Siebenahler MN Marketing, Business, and IT Educators
Past President

✉️ csiebenahler@shakopee.k12.mn.us
🌐 www.mnmbite.org

Dr. Amy Smith University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Associate Professor, AFNR; AFNR TIP Director

✉️ arsmith@umn.edu
📞 ‭(612) 624-6590‬
🌐 www.umn.edu

Amanda Sommers Minnesota FFA Foundation
Program Coordinator

✉️ amanda.sommers@mnffafoundation.org
📞 ‭(507) 461-2214‬
🌐 www.mnffafoundation.org

Shelli Sowles Minnesota Department of Education
MDE CTE Coordinator

✉️ shelli.sowles@state.mn.us
📞 ‭(651) 582-8403
🌐 www.education.mn.gov

Courtney Spence Southern Agricultural Center of Excellence
Outreach and Recruitment Coordinator

✉️ courtney.spence@southcentral.edu
📞 ‭(507) 389-7301
🌐 www.centerofagriculture.org

Ryan Stanley Riverland Perkins Consortium; MTEEA
Secondary Perkins Leader; MTEEA Past-President

✉️ ryan.stanley@austin.k12.mn.us
📞 ‭(507) 460-1800
🌐 www.mteea.net

Dustin Steenblock MN CTE; Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Director of Licensure Content, WBL

✉️ dsteenblock@lcsc.org;  dsteenblock@mncte.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6516
🌐 www.mncte.org

Jill Stewart-Kellar Intermediate School Districts
Director of Career and College Readiness

✉️ jistewar@916schools.org
📞 ‭(651) 415-5610
🌐 www.916schools.org

Holly Strand-Rysgaard MN Association for Career & Technical Education; ACTE
MnACTE President; ACTE Health Science Education Division Vice President

✉️ hstrandrysgaard@moorheadschools.org
🌐 www.mncte.org/mnacte

Greg Summers MN Association for Career & Technical Education
Health Science Representative

✉️ gsumme1@isd77.org
🌐 www.mncte.org/mnacte‬‬

Mike Sundblad MN Technology and Engineering Educators Assn
Professional Growth and Affiliates

✉️ mhsundblad@stcloudstate.edu
🌐 www.mteea.net

Crystal Svoboda Southwest Metro Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ crystal.svoboda@normandale.edu
📞 ‭(952) 358-9152

Scott Swanson Intermediate School District #287

✉️ saswanson@district287.org
📞 ‭(612) 655-0970
🌐 www.district287.org


Jiksa Tafara Hennepin West Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ jiksa.tafara@nhcc.edu
📞 ‭(763) 424-0787

Katlyn Tamaalii Pine-to-Prairie/Northland Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ katlyn.tamaalii@northlandcollege.edu
📞 ‭(218) 793-2393
🌐 www.mnperkinsnw.com

Yingfah Thao Minnesota State – System Office
Director of Professional Development

✉️ yingfah.thao@minnstate.edu
📞 ‭(651) 201-1681‬
🌐 www.minnstate.edu

Lee Thompson University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Lecturer, AFNR

✉️ thom0218@umn.edu
📞 ‭(651) 808-5994
🌐 www.umn.edu

Jen Thovson Minnesota West Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ jennifer.thovson@mnwest.edu
📞 ‭(507) 223-1313
🌐 www.swsc.org 



Elaine Vandenburgh HealthForce Center of Excellence
Director of Healthcare Education and Industry Partnerships

✉️ elaine.vandenburgh@winona.edu
📞 ‭(507) 450-7755
🌐 www.healthforceminnesota.org

Dr. Maggie Velasco Sourcewell Service Cooperative
Director of Career and College Readiness; Statewide Metier Contact

✉️ maggie.velasco@sourcewell-mn.gov
📞 ‭(763) 302-9019
🌐 www.sourcewell-mn.gov

Christopher Vito True North Stars Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ christopher.vito@minnesotanorth.edu
📞 ‭(218) 749-7754

Vacant MN Association for CTE – For All (CTE SPED)

🌐 https://mnactesnp.wordpress.com

Vacant MN Association for CTE – For All (CTE SPED)

🌐 https://mnactesnp.wordpress.com

Vacant MN Association for CTE – For All (CTE SPED)

🌐 https://mnactesnp.wordpress.com

Vacant MN Marketing, Business, and IT Educators

🌐 www.mnmbite.org

Vacant MN Marketing, Business, and IT Educators

🌐 www.mnmbite.org

Vacant MN Marketing, Business, and IT Educators

🌐 www.mnmbite.org

Vacant MN Marketing, Business, and IT Educators

🌐 www.mnmbite.org

Vacant Transportation Center of Excellence

📞 ‭(651) 423-8311
🌐 www.minntran.org

Vacant Transportation Center of Excellence
Administrative Assistant

📞 ‭(651) 423-8692
🌐 www.minntran.org


Cindy Walters Southwest Metro Perkins Consortium
Secondary Leader

✉️ cwalters@swmetro.k12.mn.us
📞 ‭(952) 567-8035

Michelle Wang Resource Training and Solutions Service Cooperative
Education Director

✉️ mwang@resourcecoop-mn.gov
🌐 www.resourcecoop-mn.gov

Sarah Ware-Wilkinson Great River Perkins Consortium
Secondary Leader

✉️ sarah.ware@isd742.org
📞 ‭(320) 370-8062

Tyler Warren MN Association of Agriculture Educators
Vice President

✉️ twarren@evw.k12.mn.us
🌐 www.mnaged.org

Melody Weber Northern Agricultural Center of Excellence
Administrative Assistant

✉️ melody.weber@clcmn.edu
📞 ‭(218) 894-5123
🌐 www.agcentric.org

Kari Weileder Minneapolis Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ kari.weileder@minneapolis.edu 

Dr. Molly Wickham Bethel University
Professor, B&M

✉️ m-wickam@bethel.edu
📞 ‭(651) 635-8000
🌐 www.bethel.edu

Kaylee Wiens MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

✉️ kwiens@faribault.k12.mn.us
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Dr. Jay Williams Northeast Metro Perkins Consortium
Post-Secondary Leader

✉️ jay.williams@century.edu
📞 ‭(651) 779-3204

Kris Williams Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence
Assistant Director

✉️ kris.williams@minnstate.edu
📞 ‭(218) 755-2209
🌐 www.mnmfg.org

Justin Wittrock MN Marketing, Business, and IT Educators

✉️ jwittrock@isd465.org
🌐 www.mnmbite.org

Gwenn Wolters South Central Perkins Consortium
Secondary Leader

✉️ gwolters@mnscsc.org
📞 ‭(507) 389-2123
🌐 www.mnscsc.org



Betty Yang Saint Paul Perkins Consortium
Secondary Leader

✉️ betty.yang@spps.org
📞 ‭(651) 744-5156


Kristi Zakariasen Information Technology Center of Excellence
Online Presence and Communications Manager

✉️ kristin.zakariasen@metrostate.edu
🌐 www.minnesotatechresources.org