Minnesota Association of Agriculture Educators (AFNR Teacher Organization)

Nikki Flaaen MN Association of Agriculture Educators
President; MnACTE Representative

✉️ nikkolef@zmsch.k12.mn.us
🌐 www.mnaged.org

Eric Sawatzke MN Association of Agriculture Educators
President-Elect; MnACTE Representative

✉️ esawatzke@isd2342.org
🌐 www.mnaged.org

Vacant MN Association of Agriculture Educators
Past President

🌐 www.mnaged.org

Tyler Warren MN Association of Agriculture Educators
Vice President

✉️ twarren@evw.k12.mn.us
🌐 www.mnaged.org

Becky Cronk MN Association of Agriculture Educators

✉️ bcronk@isd840.org
🌐 www.mnaged.org

Nick Milbrandt MN Association of Agriculture Educators

✉️ nmilbrandt@beas.blueearth.k12.mn.us
🌐 www.mnaged.org

Amber Seibert MN Association of Agriculture Educators
Membership Secretary

✉️ aseibert@parkrapids.k12.mn.us
🌐 www.mnaged.org

Jessica Daberkow MN Association of Agriculture Educators
MnACTE Representative

✉️ jessica.daberkow@staff.isd330.org
🌐 www.mnaged.org

Mike Miron MN Association of Agriculture Educators
MnACTE Representative

✉️ mmiron@flaschools.org
🌐 www.mnaged.org

Pam Koenen MN Association of Agriculture Educators
Executive Director; MnACTE Representative

✉️ mnaged2@gmail.com
🌐 www.mnaged.org

Minnesota FFA (AFNR Student Organization)

Dr. T.J. Brown Minnesota FFA Association
Executive Director

✉️ t.j.brown@mnffa.org
📞 ‭(507) 220-0194‬
🌐 www.mnffa.org

Ashley Crowson Minnesota FFA Association
Leadership Development Coordinator

✉️ acrowson@mnffa.org
📞 ‭(715) 207-5137‬
🌐 www.mnffa.org

Natasha Mortenson Minnesota FFA Association and Minnesota FFA Alumni
Career Development and Alumni Coordinator

✉️ nmortenson@mnffa.org
📞 ‭‭(320) 815-8459
🌐 www.mnffa.org
🌐 www.mnffaalumni.org

Val Aarsvold Minnesota FFA Foundation
Executive Director

✉️ val.aarsvold@mnffafoundation.org
📞 ‭(507) 259-3586‬‬
🌐 www.mnffafoundation.org

Amanda Sommers Minnesota FFA Foundation
Program Coordinator

✉️ amanda.sommers@mnffafoundation.org
📞 ‭(507) 461-2214‬
🌐 www.mnffafoundation.org

Vacant Minnesota Department of Education
FFA State Advisor

Southwest Minnesota State University (AFNR Teacher Preparation)

Baccalaureate/Undergraduate only | Classroom-based | Initial and Additional Licensure
Ag, Food, and Natural Resources (AFNR): Agriculture (100100). CTE Licensure Endorsement: Work-Based Learning (160000).

Dr. Kristin Kovar Southwest MN State University
Assistant Professor, AFNR, WBL

✉️ kristin.kovar@smsu.edu
📞 ‭(507) 537-6441
🌐 www.smsu.edu

University of Minnesota – Crookston (AFNR Teacher Preparation)

Baccalaureate/Undergraduate only | Classroom-based | Initial Licensure only
Ag, Food, and Natural Resources (AFNR): Agriculture (100100). CTE Licensure Endorsement: Work-Based Learning (160000).

Dr. Michael Martin University of Minnesota – Crookston
Associate Professor, AFNR

✉️ mart6864@umn.edu
📞 ‭(218) 281-8101
🌐 www.crk.umn.edu

University of Minnesota – Twin Cities (AFNR Teacher Preparation)

Baccalaureate/Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate/Graduate | Classroom-based | Initial and Additional Licensure
Ag, Food, and Natural Resources (AFNR): Agriculture (100100). CTE Licensure Endorsement: Work-Based Learning (160000).

Dr. Laura Rice University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Assistant Professor, AFNR, WBL; AFNR TIP

✉️ llrice@umn.edu
📞 ‭(612) 625-7274‬
🌐 www.umn.edu

Dr. Amy Smith University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Associate Professor, AFNR, WBL; AFNR TIP

✉️ arsmith@umn.edu
📞 ‭(612) 624-6590‬
🌐 www.umn.edu

Lee Thompson University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Lecturer, AFNR

✉️ thom0218@umn.edu
📞 ‭(651) 808-5994
🌐 www.umn.edu

Northern Agricultural Center of Excellence (Ag Centric; MN State AFNR Center)

Keith Olander Northern Agricultural Center of Excellence

✉️ kolander@clcmn.edu
📞 ‭(218) 894-5163
🌐 www.agcentric.org

Judy Barka Northern Agricultural Center of Excellence
Assistant Director

✉️ judy.barka@clcmn.edu
📞 ‭(320) 221-0219
🌐 www.agcentric.org

Tyler Grunewald Northern Agricultural Center of Excellence
Agricultural Program Coordinator

✉️ tyler.grunewald@clcmn.edu
📞 ‭(218) 894-5141
🌐 www.agcentric.org

Melody Weber Northern Agricultural Center of Excellence
Administrative Assistant

✉️ melody.weber@clcmn.edu
📞 ‭(218) 894-5123
🌐 www.agcentric.org

Southern Agricultural Center of Excellence (MN State AFNR Center)

Tina LeBrun Southern Agricultural Center of Excellence
Executive Director

✉️ tina.lebrun@southcentral.edu
📞 ‭(507) 389-7391
🌐 www.centerofagriculture.org

Nathan Hanel Southern Agricultural Center of Excellence
Program Coordinator

✉️ nathan.hanel@southcentral.edu
📞 ‭(507) 389-7435
🌐 www.centerofagriculture.org

Courtney Spence Southern Agricultural Center of Excellence
Outreach and Recruitment Coordinator

✉️ courtney.spence@southcentral.edu
📞 ‭(507) 389-7301
🌐 www.centerofagriculture.org

Engineering Center of Excellence (MN State T&I/AFNR Center)

Jason Bruns Engineering Center of Excellence

✉️ jason.bruns@mnsu.edu
📞 ‭(507) 389-1309
🌐 www.engineering.mnsu.edu

Dr. Melissa Huppert Engineering Center of Excellence
STEM Outreach Director

✉️ melissa.huppert@mnsu.edu
📞 ‭(507) 389-2110
🌐 www.engineering.mnsu.edu

Loralea Baldwin Engineering Center of Excellence
Administrative Assistant

✉️ loralea.baldwin@mnsu.edu
📞 ‭(507) 389-1201
🌐 www.engineering.mnsu.edu

Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence (MN State T&I/AFNR Center)

Jeremy Leffelman Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence

✉️ jeremy.leffelman@bemidjistate.edu
📞 ‭(218) 755-4222
🌐 www.mnmfg.org

Jaimee Meyer Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence
Director of Marketing and Outreach

✉️ jaimee.meyer@minnstate.edu
📞 ‭(218) 755-2206
🌐 www.mnmfg.org

Kris Williams Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence
Assistant Director

✉️ kris.williams@minnstate.edu
📞 ‭(218) 755-2209
🌐 www.mnmfg.org

Carissa Menefee Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence
Communications Specialist

✉️ carissa.menefee@bemidjistate.edu
🌐 www.mnmfg.org

Nicholas Lowery Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence
Administrative Specialist

✉️ nicholas.lowery@minnstate.edu
📞 ‭(218) 755-2997
🌐 www.mnmfg.org

Transportation Center of Excellence (MN State T&I/AFNR Center)

Vacant Transportation Center of Excellence

📞 ‭(651) 423-8311
🌐 www.minntran.org

Carl Borleis Transportation Center of Excellence
Director of Program Excellence

✉️ carl.borleis@dctc.edu
📞 ‭(651) 423-8692
🌐 www.minntran.org

Lew Olivier Transportation Center of Excellence
Director of Outreach

✉️ llewellyn.olivier@dctc.edu
📞 ‭(651) 423-8692
🌐 www.minntran.org

Cassidy Jelen Transportation Center of Excellence
Project Coordinator

✉️ cassidy.jelen@dctc.edu
📞 ‭(651) 423-8692
🌐 www.minntran.org

Vacant Transportation Center of Excellence
Administrative Assistant

📞 ‭(651) 423-8692
🌐 www.minntran.org

Energy Center of Excellence (MN State T&I/AFNR Center)

Logan Schrader Energy Center of Excellence
Executive Director

✉️ logan.schrader@mnwest.edu
📞 ‭(320) 564-5035
🌐 www.energycareersminnesota.org

Amber Knapper Energy Center of Excellence
Administrative Assistant

✉️ amber.knapper@mnwest.edu
📞 ‭(320) 565-5020
🌐 www.energycareersminnesota.org

Additional Contacts

Lindsey Brockberg Minnesota Department of Education
AFNR Specialist

✉️ lindsey.brockberg@state.mn.us
🌐 www.education.mn.gov

Dr. Lavyne Rada MN CTE
CTE Teacher Induction Program and AFNR TIP

✉️ lrada@mncte.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6558‬
🌐 www.mncte.org

Sarah Dornink Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council
Executive Director

✉️ tesm0010@umn.edu
📞 ‭(612) 624-6249
🌐 www.mn.gov/maelc

Kari Schwab Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council
Program Coordinator

✉️ opdah012@umn.edu
📞 ‭(612) 624-6256
🌐 www.mn.gov/maelc

Minnesota Marketing, Business, and Information Technology Educators (B&M Teacher Organization)

Justin Wittrock MN Marketing, Business, and IT Educators

✉️ jwittrock@isd465.org
🌐 www.mnmbite.org

Callon Siebenahler MN Marketing, Business, and IT Educators
Past President

✉️ csiebenahler@shakopee.k12.mn.us
🌐 www.mnmbite.org

Vacant MN Marketing, Business, and IT Educators

🌐 www.mnmbite.org

Jim Scherping MN Marketing, Business, and IT Educators

✉️ jscherping@isd318.org
🌐 www.mnmbite.org

David Braaten MN Marketing, Business, and IT Educators

✉️ david.braaten@hopkinsschools.org
🌐 www.mnmbite.org

Vacant MN Marketing, Business, and IT Educators

🌐 www.mnmbite.org

Vacant MN Marketing, Business, and IT Educators

🌐 www.mnmbite.org

Vacant MN Marketing, Business, and IT Educators

🌐 www.mnmbite.org

DJ McDonald MN Marketing, Business, and IT Educators
MnACTE Representative

🌐 www.mnmbite.org

Minnesota BPA and Minnesota DECA (B&M Student Organizations)

Jackie Schiller Minnesota BPA and Minnesota DECA
Executive Director

✉️ jackie@tekstar.com
📞 ‭(218) 847-5355
🌐 www.mnbpa.org
🌐 www.mndeca.org

Lakes Country Service Cooperative (B&M Teacher Preparation)

Baccalaureate/Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate/Graduate | Online | Initial and Additional Licensure
Business and Marketing (B&M): Communication Technology Careers (300000). CTE Licensure Endorsement: Work-Based Learning (160000).

Troy Haugen Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Director of Career and College Success, Unit Leader

✉️ thaugen@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6511
🌐 www.mncte.org

Joshua Dery Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Director of Licensure Content, T&I – Transportation & Manufacturing

✉️ jdery@lcsc.org
🌐 www.mncte.org

Tom Leuthner Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Director of Licensure Content, T&I – Construction

✉️ tleuthner@lcsc.org
🌐 www.mncte.org

Siri Livdahl Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Coordinator of Admissions and Advising

✉️ slivdahl@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6551
🗓 Book Time to Meet🌐 www.mncte.org

Dr. Lavyne Rada Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Associate Director of Recruitment and Retention, TIP

✉️ lrada@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6558
🌐 www.mncte.org

Dr. Zane Sheehan Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Associate Director of Teacher Licensure

✉️ zsheehan@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6528
🌐 www.mncte.org

Dustin Steenblock Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Director of Licensure Content, WBL

✉️ dsteenblock@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6516
🌐 www.mncte.org

Bethel University (B&M Teacher Preparation)

Post-Baccalaureate/Graduate only | Online | Initial and Additional Licensure
Business and Marketing (B&M): Business (140050). CTE Licensure Endorsement: Work-Based Learning (160000).

Dr. Molly Wickham Bethel University
Professor, B&M

✉️ m-wickam@bethel.edu
📞 ‭(651) 635-8000
🌐 www.bethel.edu

Rachel Jorgensen Bethel University
Adjunct Instructor and Program Director, WBL

✉️ rra35368@bethel.edu
🌐 www.bethel.edu

Kristin Melendez Bethel University
Enrollment Counselor, WBL

✉️ k-melendez@bethel.edu
📞 ‭(651) 635-8080
🌐 www.bethel.edu

Winona State University (Teacher Preparation)

Baccalaureate/Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate/Graduate | Hybrid | Initial and Additional Licensure
Business and Marketing (B&M): Business (140050).

Dr. Dana Brigson Winona State University
Associate Professor, B&M

✉️ dbrigson@winona.edu
📞 ‭(507) 457-5197
🌐 www.winona.edu

Dr. Peter Johnson Winona State University
Assistant Professor, T&I

✉️ peter.johnson@winona.edu
📞 ‭(507) 457-2952
🌐 www.winona.edu

Information Technology Center of Excellence (MN State B&M Center)

Janice Aanenson Information Technology Center of Excellence
Executive Director

✉️ janice.aanenson@metrostate.edu
📞 ‭(612) 659-7226
🌐 www.minnesotatechresources.org

Melissa Rousu Information Technology Center of Excellence
Director of Academic Initiatives

✉️ melissa.rousu@metrostate.edu
📞 ‭(612) 659-7221
🌐 www.minnesotatechresources.org

Kristi Zakariasen Information Technology Center of Excellence
Online Presence and Communications Manager

✉️ kristin.zakariasen@metrostate.edu
🌐 www.minnesotatechresources.org

Elise Hansen Information Technology Center of Excellence
Office Operations Coordinator

✉️ elise.hanson@metrostate.edu
🌐 www.minnesotatechresources.org

Additional Contacts

Dean Breuer Minnesota Department of Education
B&M Specialist

✉️ dean.breuer@state.mn.us
📞 ‭(651) 582-8603
🌐 www.education.mn.gov

Dr. Lavyne Rada MN CTE
CTE Teacher Induction Program and B&M TIP Director

✉️ lrada@mncte.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6558‬
🌐 www.mncte.org

Minnesota Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS Teacher Organization)

Mia Battistone MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
President; MnACTE Co-Representative

✉️ mia.battistone@district196.org
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Maxine Peterson MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

✉️ mafcsinfo@gmail.com
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Amanda Herman MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

✉️ amanda.herman@ahschools.us
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Jill E. Hanson MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

✉️ mafcsinfo@gmail.com
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Melissa Findlay-Lampkin MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

✉️ mafcsinfo@gmail.com
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Cherry Cramer MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

✉️ cherry.cramer@isd917.org
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Stephanie Love MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
MembershipMnACTE Co-Representative

✉️ stephanie.love@spps.org
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Kaylee Wiens MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

✉️ kwiens@faribault.k12.mn.us
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

TBD MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Vice President of Program

🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Rachelle Balfe MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Vice President of Program-Elect

✉️ michelle.wise@spps.org
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Wendy Ambrose MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Vice President of Outreach

✉️ mafcsinfo@gmail.com
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Penny Christy MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
VP Outreach-Elect

✉️ mafcsinfo@gmail.com
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Dr. Inas Elansary MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Vice President of Education

✉️ mafcsinfo@gmail.com
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Kaitlyn DeChene MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Vice President of Education-Elect

✉️ mafcsinfo@gmail.com
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Lois J. Lewis MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Communication, Nominations

✉️ llewis@indus.k12.mn.us
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Krysten Dane MN Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

✉️ kdane@gsl.k12.mn.us
🌐 www.mnafcs.com

Minnesota FCCLA (FCS Student Organization)

Patrick Mitchell Minnesota FCCLA
Executive Director

✉️ patrick.mitchell@mnfccla.org
📞 ‭(651) 330-2950
🌐 www.mnfccla.org

Lakes Country Service Cooperative (FCS Teacher Preparation)

Baccalaureate/Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate/Graduate | Online | Initial and Additional Licensure
Family and Consumer Science (FCS): Creative Design (300400), Early Childhood Careers (300500), and Hospitality Service Careers (300600). CTE Licensure Endorsement: Work-Based Learning (160000). CTE Core Skills plus industry recognized certification using the portfolio process for Cosmetology (092602) and Law Enforcement (092603).

Troy Haugen Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Director of Career and College Success, Unit Leader

✉️ thaugen@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6511
🌐 www.mncte.org

Joshua Dery Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Director of Licensure Content, T&I – Transportation & Manufacturing

✉️ jdery@lcsc.org
🌐 www.mncte.org

Tom Leuthner Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Director of Licensure Content, T&I – Construction

✉️ tleuthner@lcsc.org
🌐 www.mncte.org

Siri Livdahl Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Coordinator of Admissions and Advising

✉️ slivdahl@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6551
🗓 Book Time to Meet🌐 www.mncte.org

Dr. Lavyne Rada Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Associate Director of Recruitment and Retention, TIP

✉️ lrada@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6558
🌐 www.mncte.org

Dr. Zane Sheehan Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Associate Director of Teacher Licensure

✉️ zsheehan@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6528
🌐 www.mncte.org

Dustin Steenblock Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Director of Licensure Content, WBL

✉️ dsteenblock@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6516
🌐 www.mncte.org

Minnesota State University – Mankato (FCS Teacher Preparation)

Baccalaureate/Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate/Graduate | Classroom-based | Initial and Additional Licensure
Family and Consumer Science (FCS): Family and Consumer Sciences (090100).

Dr. Jill Conlon MN State University – Mankato
Professor, FCS

✉️ jill.conlon@mnsu.edu
📞 ‭(507) 389-5924
🌐 www.mnsu.edu

Additional Contacts

Julia Henderson Minnesota Department of Education
FCS Specialist

✉️ julia.henderson@state.mn.us
📞 ‭(651) 582-8435
🌐 www.education.mn.gov

Dr. Lavyne Rada MN CTE
CTE Teacher Induction Program and FCS TIP Director

✉️ lrada@mncte.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6558‬
🌐 www.mncte.org

Minnesota Association for CTE – Health/Human Services Education Division (HSE Teacher Organization)

Contact: MN Association for Career & Technical Education

✉️ lrada@mncte.org
📞 ‭(605) 695-1861‬
🌐 www.mncte.org/mnacte

Greg Summers MN Association for Career & Technical Education
Health Science Representative

✉️ gsumme1@isd77.org
🌐 www.mncte.org/mnacte

Holly Strand-Rysgaard Association for Career & Technical Education; MnACTE
ACTE Health Science Education Division Vice President; MnACTE President

✉️ hstrandrysgaard@moorheadschools.org
🌐 www.mncte.org/mnacte; www.acteonline.org

Minnesota HOSA (HSE Student Organization)

Summer Hagy Minnesota HOSA
Executive Director

✉️ summer.hagy@winona.edu
📞 ‭(651) 500-8025
🌐 www.minnesotahosa.org

Lakes Country Service Cooperative (HSE Teacher Preparation)

Baccalaureate/Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate/Graduate | Online | Initial and Additional Licensure
Health/Human Services Education (HSE): Medical Careers (300300). CTE Licensure Endorsement: Work-Based Learning (160000). CTE Core Skills plus industry recognized certification using the portfolio process for Cosmetology (092602) and Law Enforcement (092603).

Troy Haugen Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Director of Career and College Success, Unit Leader

✉️ thaugen@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6511
🌐 www.mncte.org

Joshua Dery Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Director of Licensure Content, T&I – Transportation & Manufacturing

✉️ jdery@lcsc.org
🌐 www.mncte.org

Tom Leuthner Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Director of Licensure Content, T&I – Construction

✉️ tleuthner@lcsc.org
🌐 www.mncte.org

Siri Livdahl Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Coordinator of Admissions and Advising

✉️ slivdahl@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6551
🗓 Book Time to Meet🌐 www.mncte.org

Dr. Lavyne Rada Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Associate Director of Recruitment and Retention, TIP

✉️ lrada@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6558
🌐 www.mncte.org

Dr. Zane Sheehan Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Associate Director of Teacher Licensure

✉️ zsheehan@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6528
🌐 www.mncte.org

Dustin Steenblock Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Director of Licensure Content, WBL

✉️ dsteenblock@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6516
🌐 www.mncte.org

HealthForce Center of Excellence (MN State HSE Center)

Valerie Defor HealthForce Center of Excellence
Executive Director

✉️ vdefor@winona.edu
📞 ‭(507) 429-6652
🌐 www.healthforceminnesota.org

Dr. Jennifer Eccles HealthForce Center of Excellence
Senior System Director of Nursing Initiatives, Executive Director of the Coalition for Nursing Equity and Excellence

✉️ jennifer.eccles@winona.edu
📞 ‭(507) 535-2512
🌐 www.healthforceminnesota.org

Elaine Vandenburgh HealthForce Center of Excellence
Director of Healthcare Education and Industry Partnerships

✉️ elaine.vandenburgh@winona.edu
📞 ‭(507) 450-7755
🌐 www.healthforceminnesota.org

Summer Hagy HealthForce Center of Excellence
HOSA Executive Director

✉️ summer.hagy@winona.edu
📞 ‭(651) 500-8025
🌐 www.healthforceminnesota.org

Judith Mitchell HealthForce Center of Excellence
TCCP Assistant/Database Coordinator

✉️ jmitchell@winona.edu
📞 ‭(507) 429-7412
🌐 www.healthforceminnesota.org

Brenda Phillips HealthForce Center of Excellence
Office & Administrative Specialist Senior

✉️ bphillips@winona.edu
📞 ‭(507) 535-2510
🌐 www.healthforceminnesota.org

Additional Contacts

Jenny Neiss Minnesota Department of Education
HSE Specialist

✉️ jenny.neiss@state.mn.us
📞 ‭(651) 582-8421
🌐 www.education.mn.gov

Dr. Lavyne Rada MN CTE
CTE Teacher Induction Program and HSE TIP Director

✉️ lrada@mncte.org
📞 ‭(‭218) 737-6558‬
🌐 www.mncte.org

Minnesota Association for CTE – Trade and Industry Division (T&I Teacher Organization)

Contact: MN Association for Career & Technical Education

✉️ lrada@mncte.org
📞 ‭(605) 695-1861‬
🌐 www.mncte.org/mnacte

Minnesota Technology and Engineering Educators Association (STEM Teacher Organization)

TJ Hendrickson MN Tech. and Engineering Educators Association
President; MnACTE Representative

✉️ thendric@shakopeeschools.org
🌐 www.mteea.net

Sara Laudenbach MN Tech. and Engineering Educators Association

✉️ sara.laudenbach@isd742.org
🌐 www.mteea.net

Ryan Stanley MN Tech. and Engineering Educators Association

✉️ ryan.stanley@austin.k12.mn.us
🌐 www.mteea.net

Mark Lockhart MN Tech. and Engineering Educators Association

✉️ mark.a.lockhart@gmail.com
🌐 www.mteea.net

Andy Angell MN Tech. and Engineering Educators Association

✉️ mteeatreas@gmail.com
🌐 www.mteea.net

Joel Ellinghuysen MN Tech. and Engineering Educators Association
ITEEA Representative

✉️ oakdalefarm1@gmail.com
🌐 www.mteea.net

Mark Gable MN Tech. and Engineering Educators Association

✉️ mteeacommunications@gmail.com
🌐 www.mteea.net

Tim Lovdahl MN Tech. and Engineering Educators Association
Student Competitions

✉️ tlovdahl@isd12.org
🌐 www.mteea.net

Mike Sundblad MN Tech. and Engineering Educators Association
Professional Growth and Affiliates

✉️ mhsundblad@stcloudstate.edu
🌐 www.mteea.net

Hannah Reisdorf MN Tech. and Engineering Educators Association
Affiliates and Professional Growth

✉️ hreisdorf@dgf.k12.mn.us
🌐 www.mteea.net

Dr. Kurt Helgeson MN Tech. and Engineering Educators Association
Executive Director

✉️ krhelgeson@stcloudstate.edu
🌐 www.mteea.net

Minnesota SkillsUSA (T&I Student Organization)

Heidi Mattson Minnesota SkillsUSA
Executive Director

✉️ executive.director@mnskillsusa.org
🌐 www.mnskillsusa.org

Lakes Country Service Cooperative (T&I Teacher Preparation)

Baccalaureate/Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate/Graduate | Online | Initial and Additional Licensure
Trade and Industry (T&I): Construction Careers (300100), Manufacturing Careers (300200), and Transportation Careers (300700). CTE Licensure Endorsement: Work-Based Learning (160000).

Troy Haugen Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Director of Career and College Success, Unit Leader

✉️ thaugen@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6511
🌐 www.mncte.org

Joshua Dery Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Director of Licensure Content, T&I – Transportation & Manufacturing

✉️ jdery@lcsc.org
🌐 www.mncte.org

Tom Leuthner Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Director of Licensure Content, T&I – Construction

✉️ tleuthner@lcsc.org
🌐 www.mncte.org

Siri Livdahl Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Coordinator of Admissions and Advising

✉️ slivdahl@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6551
🗓 Book Time to Meet🌐 www.mncte.org

Dr. Lavyne Rada Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Associate Director of Recruitment and Retention, TIP

✉️ lrada@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6558
🌐 www.mncte.org

Dr. Zane Sheehan Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Associate Director of Teacher Licensure

✉️ zsheehan@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6528
🌐 www.mncte.org

Dustin Steenblock Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Director of Licensure Content, WBL

✉️ dsteenblock@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6516
🌐 www.mncte.org

Bemidji State University (T&I Teacher Preparation)

Baccalaureate/Undergraduate only | Classroom-based | Initial and Additional Licensure
Trade and Industry (T&I): Construction Careers (300100)Note: Prospective students have been told this program is on hiatus; new students may not be able to enroll. The Technology-100100 license available through FasTrack is not a CTE license in Minnesota. There is no license known as “technology education” in Minnesota.

Laura Buchholz Bemidji State University
Assistant Professor, Construction

✉️ laura.buchholz@bemidjistate.edu
📞 ‭(218) 755-4221
🌐 www.bemidjistate.edu

Eric Carlson Bemidji State University
Assistant Professor, Communications Technology

✉️ eric.carlson2@bemidjistate.edu
📞 ‭(218) 755-3740
🌐 www.bemidjistate.edu

St. Cloud State University (STEM Teacher Preparation)

Post-Baccalaureate/Graduate only | Online | Additional Licensure only
CTE Licensure Endorsement: Work-Based Learning (160000). Construction Careers (300100), Manufacturing Careers (300200), and Transportation Careers (300700). Note: There are confirmed budget cuts of the CTE T&I licensure programs at SCSU; new students may not be able to enroll. The Technology-100100 license which remains is not a CTE license in Minnesota. There is no license known as “technology education” in Minnesota.

Dr. Kurt Helgeson St. Cloud State University
Professor, STEM, WBL

✉️ krhelgeson@stcloudstate.edu
📞 ‭(320) 308-3127
🌐 www.stcloudstate.edu

Dr. Chuck Hentges St. Cloud State University
Associate Professor, STEM

✉️ crhentges@stcloudstate.edu
📞 ‭(320) 308-2118
🌐 www.stcloudstate.edu

John Holmen St. Cloud State University
Assistant Professor, STEM

✉️ jiholmen@stcloudstate.edu
🌐 www.stcloudstate.edu

Winona State University (T&I Teacher Preparation)

Baccalaureate/Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate/Graduate | Hybrid | Initial and Additional Licensure
Trade and Industry (T&I): Construction Careers (300100), Manufacturing Careers (300200), and Transportation Careers (300700).

Dr. Dana Brigson Winona State University
Associate Professor, B&M

✉️ dbrigson@winona.edu
📞 ‭(507) 457-5197
🌐 www.winona.edu

Dr. Peter Johnson Winona State University
Assistant Professor, T&I

✉️ peter.johnson@winona.edu
📞 ‭(507) 457-2952
🌐 www.winona.edu

Engineering Center of Excellence (MN State T&I Center)

Jason Bruns Engineering Center of Excellence

✉️ jason.bruns@mnsu.edu
📞 ‭(507) 389-1309
🌐 www.engineering.mnsu.edu

Dr. Melissa Huppert Engineering Center of Excellence
STEM Outreach Director

✉️ melissa.huppert@mnsu.edu
📞 ‭(507) 389-2110
🌐 www.engineering.mnsu.edu

Loralea Baldwin Engineering Center of Excellence
Administrative Assistant

✉️ loralea.baldwin@mnsu.edu
📞 ‭(507) 389-1201
🌐 www.engineering.mnsu.edu

Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence (MN State T&I Center)

Jeremy Leffelman Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence

✉️ jeremy.leffelman@bemidjistate.edu
📞 ‭(218) 755-4222
🌐 www.mnmfg.org

Jaimee Meyer Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence
Director of Marketing and Outreach

✉️ jaimee.meyer@minnstate.edu
📞 ‭(218) 755-2206
🌐 www.mnmfg.org

Kris Williams Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence
Assistant Director

✉️ kris.williams@minnstate.edu
📞 ‭(218) 755-2209
🌐 www.mnmfg.org

Carissa Menefee Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence
Communications Specialist

✉️ carissa.menefee@bemidjistate.edu
🌐 www.mnmfg.org

Nicholas Lowery Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence
Administrative Specialist

✉️ nicholas.lowery@minnstate.edu
📞 ‭(218) 755-2997
🌐 www.mnmfg.org

Transportation Center of Excellence (MN State T&I Center)

Vacant Transportation Center of Excellence

📞 ‭(651) 423-8311
🌐 www.minntran.org

Carl Borleis Transportation Center of Excellence
Director of Program Excellence

✉️ carl.borleis@dctc.edu
📞 ‭(651) 423-8692
🌐 www.minntran.org

Lew Olivier Transportation Center of Excellence
Director of Outreach

✉️ llewellyn.olivier@dctc.edu
📞 ‭(651) 423-8692
🌐 www.minntran.org

Cassidy Jelen Transportation Center of Excellence
Project Coordinator

✉️ cassidy.jelen@dctc.edu
📞 ‭(651) 423-8692
🌐 www.minntran.org

Vacant Transportation Center of Excellence
Administrative Assistant

📞 ‭(651) 423-8692
🌐 www.minntran.org

Information Technology Center of Excellence (MN State T&I Center)

Janice Aanenson Information Technology Center of Excellence
Executive Director

✉️ janice.aanenson@metrostate.edu
📞 ‭(612) 659-7226
🌐 www.minnesotatechresources.org

Melissa Rousu Information Technology Center of Excellence
Director of Academic Initiatives

✉️ melissa.rousu@metrostate.edu
📞 ‭(612) 659-7221
🌐 www.minnesotatechresources.org

Kristi Zakariasen Information Technology Center of Excellence
Online Presence and Communications Manager

✉️ kristin.zakariasen@metrostate.edu
🌐 www.minnesotatechresources.org

Elise Hansen Information Technology Center of Excellence
Office Operations Coordinator

✉️ elise.hanson@metrostate.edu
🌐 www.minnesotatechresources.org

Energy Center of Excellence (MN State T&I Center)

Logan Schrader Energy Center of Excellence
Executive Director

✉️ logan.schrader@mnwest.edu
📞 ‭(320) 564-5035
🌐 www.energycareersminnesota.org

Amber Knapper Energy Center of Excellence
Administrative Assistant

✉️ amber.knapper@mnwest.edu
📞 ‭(320) 565-5020
🌐 www.energycareersminnesota.org

Additional Contacts

Tim Barrett Minnesota Department of Education
T&I Specialist

✉️ tim.barrett@state.mn.us
📞 ‭(651) 582-8677
🌐 www.education.mn.gov

Dr. Lavyne Rada MN CTE
CTE Teacher Induction Program and T&I TIP Director

✉️ lrada@mncte.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6558‬
🌐 www.mncte.org

Emily Saed Southeast Service Cooperative
Minnesota STEM Ecosystem Director

✉️ esaed@ssc.coop
📞 ‭(507) 701-1975
🌐 www.ssc.coop

Minnesota Association for CTE – Work-Based Learning Division (WBL Teacher Organization)

Contact: MN Association for Career & Technical Education

✉️ lrada@mncte.org
📞 ‭(605) 695-1861‬
🌐 www.mncte.org/mnacte

Minnesota WBL Student Organizations

Dr. Lavyne Rada Minnesota FFA Association
Executive Director

✉️ lrada@mnffa.org
📞 ‭(605) 695-1861‬
🗓 Book Time to Meet
🌐 www.mnffa.org

Ashley Crowson Minnesota FFA Association
Leadership Development Coordinator

✉️ acrowson@mnffa.org
📞 ‭(715) 207-5137‬
🌐 www.mnffa.org

Natasha Mortenson Minnesota FFA Association and Minnesota FFA Alumni
Career Development and Alumni Coordinator

✉️ nmortenson@mnffa.org
📞 ‭‭(320) 815-8459
🌐 www.mnffa.org
🌐 www.mnffaalumni.org

Val Aarsvold Minnesota FFA Foundation
Executive Director

✉️ val.aarsvold@mnffafoundation.org
📞 ‭(507) 259-3586‬‬
🌐 www.mnffafoundation.org

Amanda Sommers Minnesota FFA Foundation
Program Coordinator

✉️ amanda.sommers@mnffafoundation.org
📞 ‭(507) 461-2214‬
🌐 www.mnffafoundation.org

Vacant Minnesota Department of Education
FFA State Advisor

Jackie Schiller Minnesota BPA and Minnesota DECA
Executive Director

✉️ jackie@tekstar.com
📞 ‭(218) 847-5355
🌐 www.mnbpa.org
🌐 www.mndeca.org

Patrick Mitchell Minnesota FCCLA
Executive Director

✉️ patrick.mitchell@mnfccla.org
📞 ‭(651) 330-2950
🌐 www.mnfccla.org

Summer Hagy Minnesota HOSA
Executive Director

✉️ summer.hagy@winona.edu
📞 ‭(651) 500-8025
🌐 www.minnesotahosa.org

Heidi Mattson Minnesota SkillsUSA
Executive Director

✉️ executive.director@mnskillsusa.org
🌐 www.mnskillsusa.org

Lakes Country Service Cooperative (WBL Teacher Preparation)

Baccalaureate/Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate/Graduate | Online | Initial and Additional Licensure
CTE Licensure Endorsement: Work-Based Learning (160000).

Troy Haugen Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Director of Career and College Success, Unit Leader

✉️ thaugen@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6511
🌐 www.mncte.org

Joshua Dery Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Director of Licensure Content, T&I – Transportation & Manufacturing

✉️ jdery@lcsc.org
🌐 www.mncte.org

Tom Leuthner Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Director of Licensure Content, T&I – Construction

✉️ tleuthner@lcsc.org
🌐 www.mncte.org

Siri Livdahl Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Coordinator of Admissions and Advising

✉️ slivdahl@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6551
🗓 Book Time to Meet🌐 www.mncte.org

Dr. Lavyne Rada Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Associate Director of Recruitment and Retention, TIP

✉️ lrada@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6558
🌐 www.mncte.org

Dr. Zane Sheehan Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Associate Director of Teacher Licensure

✉️ zsheehan@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6528
🌐 www.mncte.org

Dustin Steenblock Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Program Director of Licensure Content, WBL

✉️ dsteenblock@lcsc.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6516
🌐 www.mncte.org

Bethel University (WBL Teacher Preparation)

Post-Baccalaureate/Graduate only | Online | Initial and Additional Licensure
CTE Licensure Endorsement: Work-Based Learning (160000).

Dr. Molly Wickham Bethel University
Professor, B&M

✉️ m-wickam@bethel.edu
📞 ‭(651) 635-8000
🌐 www.bethel.edu

Rachel Jorgensen Bethel University
Adjunct Instructor and Program Director, WBL

✉️ rra35368@bethel.edu
🌐 www.bethel.edu

Kristin Melendez Bethel University
Enrollment Counselor, WBL

✉️ k-melendez@bethel.edu
📞 ‭(651) 635-8080
🌐 www.bethel.edu

St. Cloud State University (WBL Teacher Preparation)

Post-Baccalaureate/Graduate only | Online | Additional Licensure only
CTE Licensure Endorsement: Work-Based Learning (160000).

Dr. Kurt Helgeson St. Cloud State University
Professor, STEM, WBL

✉️ krhelgeson@stcloudstate.edu
📞 ‭(320) 308-3127
🌐 www.stcloudstate.edu

Dr. Chuck Hentges St. Cloud State University
Associate Professor, STEM

✉️ crhentges@stcloudstate.edu
📞 ‭(320) 308-2118
🌐 www.stcloudstate.edu

John Holmen St. Cloud State University
Assistant Professor, STEM

✉️ jiholmen@stcloudstate.edu
🌐 www.stcloudstate.edu

Southwest Minnesota State University (WBL Teacher Preparation)

Baccalaureate/Undergraduate only | Classroom-based | Initial and Additional Licensure
CTE Licensure Endorsement: Work-Based Learning (160000).

Dr. Kristin Kovar Southwest MN State University
Assistant Professor, AFNR, WBL

✉️ kristin.kovar@smsu.edu
📞 ‭(507) 537-6441
🌐 www.smsu.edu

University of Minnesota – Crookston (WBL Teacher Preparation)

Baccalaureate/Undergraduate only | Classroom-based | Initial Licensure only
CTE Licensure Endorsement: Work-Based Learning (160000).

Dr. Michael Martin University of Minnesota – Crookston
Associate Professor, AFNR

✉️ mart6864@umn.edu
📞 ‭(218) 281-8101
🌐 www.crk.umn.edu

University of Minnesota – Twin Cities (WBL Teacher Preparation)

Baccalaureate/Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate/Graduate | Classroom-based | Initial and Additional Licensure
CTE Licensure Endorsement: Work-Based Learning (160000).

Dr. Laura Rice University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Assistant Professor, AFNR, WBL; AFNR TIP

✉️ llrice@umn.edu
📞 ‭(612) 625-7274‬
🌐 www.umn.edu

Dr. Amy Smith University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Associate Professor, AFNR, WBL; AFNR TIP

✉️ arsmith@umn.edu
📞 ‭(612) 624-6590‬
🌐 www.umn.edu

Lee Thompson University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Lecturer, AFNR

✉️ thom0218@umn.edu
📞 ‭(651) 808-5994
🌐 www.umn.edu

Additional Contacts

Mary Berg Minnesota Department of Education
WBL Specialist

✉️ mary.berg@state.mn.us
📞 ‭(651) 582-8840
🌐 www.education.mn.gov

Dr. Lavyne Rada MN CTE
CTE Teacher Induction Program and WBL TIP Director

✉️ lrada@mncte.org
📞 ‭(218) 737-6558‬
🌐 www.mncte.org